Tools & Open Source
Introducing the Apollo Federation! A new architecture for building a distributed graph, designed to replace schema stitching and solve pain points such as coordination, separation of concerns, and brittle gateway code. The article features quickstarts from setting Federation up with Apollo Server to federating a graph with multiple services.
GraphQL Query Rewriter is a tool that provides a seamless way to rewrite deprecated queries using middleware. This allows you to conform to new schemas on the fly and avoid awkwardly renaming deprecated fields. Now your schema is clean and up to date, and deprecated clients keep working!
Check out this comprehensive list of useful GraphQL tools and libraries. This list provides tools suited for different use cases and a bunch of helpful projects to help you get started. If you know a tool that isn’t listed, feel free to contribute in the comments!
A simple yet in-depth tutorial for those starting out with GraphQL Nexus and authentication. A step by step tutorial for managing authentication including coded examples for both the backend and frontend implementations. The article breaks down how to utilize a JSON Web Token to authenticate users and set up mutations to properly generate authorization headers.
This article exposes how GraphQL might not always guarantee an increase in performance. With clear images and example use cases, Jackie King explains how GraphQL implementations can lead to new performance challenges. He also provides solutions and conventions for solving these problems.
Watch as the creators of GraphQL, Dan Schafer and Lee Byron, discuss the challenges they faced at Facebook in 2012 and how it led them to GraphQL. They discuss the history of this open source API and the direction it’s headed in the future.
An interesting 8 part live-coding series on creating a cross-platform application with React Native and GraphQL. Watch as Catalin Miron builds a habit and mood tracker and implements authentication, in-app purchases, and more! Links to the GitHub and his live stream are available in the video descriptions.