For a short time GraphQL Weekly will be delivered biweekly. The link is a short, explanatory note from the GraphQL Weekly editors. Sending good wishes to all of our readers. ?
In a straightforward video tutorial, Nadir Dabit shows how one can build a simple messageboard with different colored messages with React, GraphQL, and Amplify DataStore. At the end of the video he demonstrates how the app behaves offline. At a concise 8 minutes, the tutorial is a quick view into the usage of the Amplify DataStore project.
2020 will mark five years since GraphQL was released. In this video, some of the most influential members of the GraphQL community, including Lee Byron, co-creator of GraphQL, reflect on their journey, and where GraphQL is headed next.
In this talk, Sean Grove from OneGraph explores the current state GraphQL tooling. Sean argues that GraphQL helps accelerate API adoption through developer happiness and the practices it encourages. The talk covers the role of APIs in achieving business goals and demonstrates how the latest practices and tooling assist in the development and adoption of GraphQL APIs.
GraphQLize is a new open-source JVM library for developing GraphQL API instantly from your existing PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. Additionally it takes care to optimize the underlying SQL queries to avoid problems like N+1 queries. While the project is not yet production ready, it has been released with the goal of getting feedback from the community and the announcement post lists a couple of ways that people can stay in the loop or connect about the project.
An introductory article for GraphQL, this article has a nice addition in that it offers up an example with an express endpoint and finally gives some further information on working with GraphQL, including error handling and middleware.