Evan Weaver takes a look at how we ended up with GraphQL, what protocols came before it, and what makes GraphQL stand out. And what might be next?
GraphQL is the layer that provides data to the application, so it must serve the needs of the application. But sometimes GraphQL imposes its own way of working, and the application has to be adapted to work the GraphQL way.
No matter the size of your API, you’ll most likely have to deal with authentication. While you can certainly build your own solution, there are a few very popular third-party authentication providers out there. This guide will show you how to add authentication via Auth0 to your existing GraphQL API.
Tools & Open Source
Version 1.5.0 of Microcks add GraphQL support to the OSS Kubernetes-native toolset for API Mocking and Testing.
Learn about the built-in GraphQL introspection system, and how you can find out more about the schema using GraphQL queries.
Whether you’re just getting started with GraphQL, or already have some experience, you can learn something new from this tutorial. Build a GraphQL Server with Deno and MongoDB Atlas and earn how to set up a GraphQL Server from scratch using Deno, gql, and graphql_tools.