Dave explores how keeping your GraphQL schema in mind will help when designing and implementing your next feature and how this can help coordinate between various teams working on your application.
Peter shows how Splitgraph uses GraphQL Schema Stitching to provide a single, coherent schema for all of your backend services. He explores how this can make it easier to add new backend services and extend the types and fields offered by others.
Patronage shares their story on how they build 30 to 40 websites per year based on WordPress, WPGraphQL, and Next.js. And how adding GraphQL edge caching to their stack helped reduce traffic to their backend service by 99%.
GraphQL has seen widespread adoption, from the largest corporations to small startups. Achraf shares 9 tips on how to secure your GraphQL APIs.
Learn how to execute GraphQL queries lazily in response to events triggered within your application. Jamie guides you through adding support for this to your codebase via the “useLazyQuery” hook within React Apollo Client.