Seven reasons why you should generate your client types based on your query documents—not your schema.
JUCR Co-founder and CTO Max Grollmann shares his take on how embracing GraphQL and Apollo GraphQL's tools has helped him improve latency, efficiency, and the overall user experience that has set a new industry standard for creating a scalable framework in the growing EV market
Learn how to set up GraphQL APIs with built-in query generation, relationship management, and flexible filtering in this comprehensive guide
Community & Open Source
Apollo GraphQL is announcing an important update: starting with the 1.60 release of Apollo GraphOS Router and Apollo Router Core coming in the next few weeks, Apollo Federation 1.0 supergraphs will no longer be supported. Upgrading to Apollo Federation 2.0 is essential to leverage these improvements fully and Apollo has developed a guide to help users through every step of this transition to confidently operating your GraphQL platform.
Learn how GraphQL can now help you orchestrate your API calls. Using the Stripe REST API in the context of a real-world use case, create products with pricing information and ultimately create a checkout session in minutes.
Build an API orchestration layer for any OData API now with GraphQL. See first-hand how easy it is to expose existing REST APIs through the power of Apollo Connectors and how this ground-breaking feature can support your team in minutes.