A weekly newsletter of the best news, articles and projects about GraphQL


GraphQL TypeScript

The "How To GraphQL" site has a new fully fleshed out tutorial on how to build an idiomatic GraphQL server with TypeScript and Prisma.


Mocking Apollo GraphQL operations on Android

Mobile developers often need to mock incomplete API endpoints during development. Follow along with Nika Kurdadze to learn how to effectively mock GraphQL operations in the Android Apollo client using an HTTP Interceptor.


Gqlgen Custom Data Validation (Part 1)

Follow along with David Yappeter in building a custom data validation pipeline with Gqlgen, the schema-first GraphQL library for Golang. In part one, David guides you through setting up the project and creating custom validation with directives.


Mock GraphQL and REST in Storybook and Jest with MSW

In this in-depth tutorial, David Cai explains how to mock GraphQL (and REST) endpoints using Mock Service Worker (MSW) and reuse the mocks between StoryBook and Jest tests. Once finished, you will be able to mock HTTP responses at the network level without relying on any library-specific tools such as Apollo’s MockedProvider.


Building A GraphQL Server With Next.js and Neo4j

Neo4j can be used to generate a full CRUD API for GraphQL. In this tutorial, William Lyon demonstrates how little custom code is required to create a GraphQL server using Next.js and Neo4j.

GraphQL in Svelte with Apollo

Svelte is a component-based web framework that compiles itself away, leaving only the code that is absolutely necessary for the app to run. In this course, Kiran Abburi steps through building a real-time, authenticated Svelte app backed by GraphQL.

Create an API for real-time chatting app with GraphQL (4 Steps)

MongoDB is a simple and flexible way to store data. In this article, Nishchit Dhanani discusses the differences between SQL and No-SQL Databases, and demonstrates how MongoDB can be used alongside GraphQL Yoga to create a real-time chat application.


A first look at PostGraphile with Railway

PostGraphile introspects an existing Postgres schema to generate a GraphQL API. In this tutorial, Anthony Campolo steps through how to host a Postgres database with Railway, and use PostGraphile to generate a GraphQL server.


GraphQL in Flutter - Building a Mobile Shop using Saleor API

Flutter is a an open-source framework created by Google to simplify building an app across multiple platforms. In this tutorial, Jakub Neander shows how the Saleor GraphQL API can be used to easily create a mobile e-commerce app.


Build a Blog Using Django, Vue, and GraphQL

In this tutorial, Dane Hillard shows how to build a Django blog backend and a Vue front end, using GraphQL to communicate between them. The tutorial covers how to translate Django models to a GraphQL API, how to run a Django server and a Vue front end at the same time, and more. Follow along with Dane to learn more about how Django and GraphQL work together.


Building Serverless GraphQL API in Node with Express and Netlify

In this article, Matthew Ström covers how to create a GraphQL API deployed to a serverless function on Netlify. He covers the core concepts of GraphQL itself, serverless, node, and express. Matthew then shows all the code necessary to deploy a fully-functional GraphQL API on a Netlify serverless function. Follow this tutorial for a deep-dive on how to use GraphQL and Netlify together.

GraphQL Recipes (V2) - Building APIs with GraphQL Transform

In this article, Nader Dabit provides a major update to his original tutorial covering how to build APIs with GraphQL and Transform. With GraphQL Transform, you can deploy AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs with features like NoSQL databases, authentication, elasticsearch engines, lambda function resolvers, relationships, authorization, and more using GraphQL schema directives. Follow along as Nader demonstrates these features by building out an app to track events.

GraphQL Playground Complete Overview

In this tutorial, Holiviel Valdez provides a comprehensive overview of GraphQL Playground and its features. The tutorial contains many annotated screenshots of the Playground and goes into detail on how they are used. Follow along as Holiviel uncovers many of the features of GraphQL Playground that can benefit your development experience.


Programmatically create forms, and capture submissions with Next.js and GraphQL

In this tutorial, Jamie shows how to build forms using Next.js and GrpahCMS. It works by defining the form fields dynamically via GraphCMS, rendering the form using Next.js, and using GraphCMS to handle submissions.


Complete Introduction to Fullstack, Type-Safe GraphQL (feat. Next.js, Nexus, Prisma)

A complete introduction to the building a full-stack, type-safe GraphQL server with a modern tech stack consisting of Next.js, Nexus, PostgreSQL, and Prisma. With the GA release of Prisma, this modern stack represents a powerful offering for those looking to build GraphQL with relational databases. Follow along to learn how these tools integrate to help you build full-stack applications.


Go GraphQL: Introduction to building GraphQL API in Golang

In this comprehensive tutorial, Gufran guides through the process of building a Star Wars GraphQL API in Golang with JWT authentication and pagination. It starts with some background on Go and GraphQL and delves into the implementation. One of the interesting details is how the code-first approach is used in Go to construct the GraphQL schema.


Deploy a Serverless GraphQL Server with Prisma 2

A guide to deploying a GraphQL server with Prisma and PostgreSQL to the Zeit Now Serverless platform. Prisma is an open-source database toolkit that makes database access easy. Deploying GraphQL to a Serverless platform has benefits as it requires almost no operational effort while offering easy scalability and usage-based pricing. The example covers the full workflow from source code to running deployment and covers some of the challenges associated with Serverless GraphQL deployments.


Instant GraphQL Backend with Fine-grained Security Using FaunaDB

An extensive guide to FaunaDB's native GraphQL support with a security layer. As GraphQL sees growing adoption, there are many tools to make it easy to get started. FaunaDB is a serverless database with native GraphQL support. Unlike the common pattern of exposing a GraphQL API over a database, Fauna supports an inverted workflow where the database is created from the GraphQL schema. The tutorial covers setting up the database and a fine-grained authorization layer.

An Introduction to GraphQL

In this article, John gives a soft introduction to GraphQL as part of the JS in Plain English series. The post is very beginner-friendly and works through the fundamentals of GraphQL.

Introduction to Urql's useQuery React Hook

This tutorial demonstrates the use of of the urql library on the client-side as a universal React query library. Urql is an alternative client library to the popular Apollo Client. The tutorial series covers writing an initial query, dynamic queries, and mutations all with the useQuery React hook.


GraphQL File Uploads with React Hooks, TypeScript & Amazon S3

This tutorial demonstrates step by step how to set up an Apollo Server with TypeScript for file uploads, set up your Apollo Client to upload files, pipe an uploaded file to AWS S3, and retrieve the URL of the uploaded file to save into a database. Given the multiple ways of performing file uploads (signed URL uploads, rolling your image server, etc.), this tutorial focuses on multipart upload requests.


Building a GraphQL server in Next.js

Check out this tutorial that covers building a GraphQL server with Next.js. Next.js has been gaining popularity in the React.js community thanks to its server side rendering support and easy integration with the Zeit Now platform. Leigh Halliday guides you through the process in a lean fashion, which begins with a dummy GraphQL server and takes you to integration with a PostgreSQL database, all while avoiding the N+1 problem common to GraphQL implementations.

Fluent GraphQL clients: how to write queries like a boss

In this post, Sezgi Ulucam explores the benefits of Fluent APIs and compares fluent GraphQL clients, like gotql and graphql-binding. Fluent GraphQL clients allow you to write queries programmatically rather than using strings, which can prevent developer errors at build time while improving productivity.

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