In this article, the team at Escape will show you how to create a simple GraphQL application, a message board, by combining many recent open-source technologies. This article aims to be a showcase of technologies that work well together rather than a complete tutorial on project setup.
Join Andrew Kallem as he recaps his journey to track down a material bug in a commonly used GraphQL client. Along the way, he'll touch on topics in GraphQL, deploy previews, cache normalization, optimistic UI, memoization, git, and debugging. Even if you're well-versed in all of those, you may find this story interesting because it has some surprising twists.
Tools & Open Source
HTTP is the most common transport protocol for GraphQL. The GraphQL working group has been working on a GraphQL over HTTP specification and adopted the "graphql-http" project.
Hot on the heels of version 2 and after lots of experimentation and learning from production usage, The Guild released version 3 of GraphQL Yoga, including some major changes. There are so many great changes included; there's no way we can list them all here, so if you'd like to learn more, make sure to read their announcement.
In this weeks episode Jamie shows how to create a GraphQL server with the new GraphQL Yoga 3 and ExpressJS. GraphQL Yoga 3 no longer comes bloated with various packages for different runtimes. Instead Yoga now ships with all the necessary functions to generate a schema, server, plugins, and leaves it to you to handle how to serve it.
The recordings for the talks given at GraphQL Conf in Austin are now available. If you missed a talk or want to revisit one, go ahead.