A weekly newsletter of the best news, articles and projects about GraphQL


Implementing GraphQL with Type Safety in Next.js 14 App Router

In "Implementing GraphQL with Type Safety in Next.js 14 App Router" Sagar Dhami explores how to integrate GraphQL into a Next.js application using the new App Router feature. Specifically, Dhami focuses on implementing type safety for GraphQL resolvers, ensuring that data is accurately fetched and validated within the API. By leveraging TypeScript and the `@types/graphql` package, developers can define strong types for their GraphQL schema, making it easier to catch errors and maintain a robust application architecture.

Large Results from a GraphQL API and Google BigQuery

In "Large Results from a GraphQL API and Google BigQuery" on Nerd For Tech, the author delves into strategies for efficiently handling large result sets in a GraphQL API. Alexander looks into various options such as pagination and streaming data from Google BigQuery, their pros and cons and how developers can optimize their API's performance when dealing with massive datasets, ensuring scalability and responsiveness for users. The article highlights the importance of carefully designing APIs to handle big data and provides practical advice on implementing scalable solutions.

Launching Hasura DDN: The world's first metadata-driven data access layer

The Hasura team introduces a significant enhancement to their GraphQL platform: Dynamic Data Normalization (DDN). This feature allows developers to define complex data transformations and aggregations within their GraphQL schema, enabling seamless manipulation of data at query time. With DDN, users can build more sophisticated APIs that efficiently handle diverse data formats, making it easier to integrate with various backend systems and achieve a unified data model.

Tools & Open Source

Gato GraphQL v4.2: new mutations for tags and categories, improved mutations for media, and enhanced integration with Polylang

In the latest blog post from Gato GraphQL, the team announces the release of version 4.2, which brings several exciting features to their API platform. Notably, developers can now use mutations for creating and updating categories, tags, and media entities, making it easier to manage complex data structures. Additionally, the update includes improved integration with Polylang, a popular WordPress plugin for multilingual support. These enhancements demonstrate Gato GraphQL's ongoing commitment to providing a robust and flexible foundation for building modern APIs.


Reddit: Is GraphQL still a good choice for building new SaaS for a startup?

In a discussion on Reddit's r/graphql community, users weigh in on whether GraphQL remains a viable choice for building new applications. Some contributors highlight the continued relevance of GraphQL's strengths, such as flexibility and ease of use, while others express concerns about its performance and scalability issues. The conversation also touches on the evolving landscape of API design and the emergence of alternative technologies. As the community shares their experiences and insights, it becomes clear that GraphQL remains a popular choice for many developers, but one that requires careful consideration of its trade-offs.


GraphQL Conf 2024 is happening next month at San Francisco!

GraphQL Conf 2024 is happening in one month! This year is better than ever. Notable talks: A panel about the future of Federation from Apollo, ChilliCream and The Guild, talks about how Meta scales GraphQL, How GraphQL is used by the House of Representatives and many exciting hands-on workshops! Packed schedule by speakers from Meta, Apollo GraphQL, IBM, Intuit, Google, Netflix, Pinterest, Atlassian, booking.com, Toast, Hasura, Wundergraph, ChilliCream, The Guild, and others. Get your ticket today!

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