Make sure to grab one of the Early Bird Tickets and join the first GraphQL Europe conference in May. Great speakers such as Lee Byron and Sashko Stubailo and the exquisite catering make this event a sure success. Be part of the global GraphQL community and participate!
Articles & Videos
An interesting article that explores the benefits of GraphQL by means of the GitHub GraphQL API. During the tutorial you'll build a leaderboard of GitHub commenters and learn how to send GraphQL queries using the interactive GraphiQL playground.
An essential part of the GraphQL experience is the great tooling the GraphQL schema provides. Learn a trick or two about introspection queries that can be used to query the type system of a GraphQL endpoint. Super neat!
Open Source
A boilerplate project for React with Redux and Apollo in combination with @graphcool as the GraphQL backend. It comes with hot reloading and webpack2 out of the box and integrates with React Router and Redux Forms, as well as Jest and Enzyme. Great work by @developer239!
Apollo is getting ready to launch Apollo Client! The first release candidate marks the start of the final testing period before the official release. The release will feature a much simpler API and additional operations regarding the cache. The best of all: this build on top of all the awesome features we're already used to.