In this talk, Gerard Sans presents his experience building a real-time Q&A app for conferences and meetups. The app uses GraphQL Subscriptions from Graphcool as well as Apollo & React on the frontend.
Brian Douglas gave a fantastic introductory talk to GraphQL at the San Francisco ForwardJS Meetup. He covers all the relevant basics and has many pointers to helpful tools and resources to get you started!
Here is a 5-part series of excellent articles (including practical tutorials for frontend and backend) for you to get started with GraphQL. Francois Zaninotto and Gildas Garcia have done a great job putting together everything you need to know about GraphQL. Great content for GraphQL newcomers and veterans!
GraphQL schema stitching is the idea to merge different schemas and allow to combine and nest types and fields in specific ways. In this post, the Apollo team lays out their ideas and presents an example that they've been working for how schema stitching can be implemented.
In this article, Brandon Wang (founder of Conduit) shares their experience of using GraphQL in production. He specifically discusses the role of GraphQL fragments when combined with React.
Interested in using GraphQL with OCaml? Andreas Garnæs has you covered! This GitHub repository contains the materials from his talk at CUFP, a functional programming conference, including slides and exercises to get you started with GraphQL and OCaml.